
miðvikudagur, október 06, 2004

Lítið hefur verið skrifað inná vef þennan undanfarið, aðallega vegna anna sjtórnarmanna FDL.
En það þýðir ekki að félagið sé dautt úr öllum æðum. Það hellsta sem er að frétta er það að Dolph er að leggja lokahönd á fyrstu mynd sína sem hann leikstýrir sjálfur, The Defender.
Hér er fréttin sem kom frá official síðu Dolphs:

Hi Everyone,

I am currently in London with post production on my first directorial effort, "The Defender", in which I also play the lead. I shot the picture in Bucharest, Romania this past February. I play a body guard to the US National Security Advisor. We're on a peace conference in Bucharest when everything goes wrong. We're attacked and my boss disappears. Now it's up to me and my team to find her.

It was invigorating and challenging to direct. Especially the scenes I am in myself. At least my leading actor ( Yours Truly..) wasn't pulling a Hollywood star trip on me.

My next picture (which I will also direct) is called "The Mechanik". I will start shooting in October this year. I play a Russian ex-hitman who's called back to Russia for one last job. This time against his former employers, the Russian mob.

My fitness book is still in the works.

Talk to you later.

Warm regards,

Dolph Lundgren

Þetta er það hellsta í bili.

Kveðja, Einar Óli


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